Letters of interest to compete in the high school girls national tournament (aka "single-school" or one-community teams) are still being accepted. Organizers are working with any teams that wish to compete, whether that be in the top tier or the more developmental second-division bracket. Please contact the list of volunteers below if your team is interested in the event held May 17th-18th, 2025 at the Madison United Rugby Complex in Cottage Grove, WI.
Organizers wanted to clarify their willingness to work with teams. The separately managed "club" tournament at the same location has a march 1st due date for applications. This is not the same as the school or one-community pathway for participation.
Nationals (Single School) Volunteers:
Contact: John Klein jklein@sdsm.k12.wi.us
Kraig Smikel ksmikel.ks@hotmail.com
Kelli Vannover kelli.vanover@farmersinsurance.com
MUR Contact: Brad Dufek murugbydirector@gmail.com